.... in the ..’Book Of Life’.. there are chapters!.. some frustrating 🤨
..some sad ☹️...some powerful 💪🏻....some exhilarating 🤗!.. all together they make up the fabric of one’s life.. in this case that applies to 7 individuals, a dog 🐕, a lizard, a bird 🦜and sorry if I miss any other member(s).. of the animal menagerie that makes up the Cristea family ..
...as they are packing up for their move across this nation..from Downey, CA where they were just honored by the Mayor of Downey.. at City Hall yesterday...complete with citation!..for ALL! .... the families contributions to the town and their beginnings.. weekly!.. on the Santa Monica pier..to the ‘Peach’ 🍑 state ..Georgia...and yes folks they are driving across to their NEW home state..starting the end of this week...
But as they say.. as one chapter closes ..and the memories and experiences they have had living in Oregon and then California over the past few years...are left behind on the West Coast ..but NEVER!. forgotten about!...a NEW chapter awaits and begins..with the drive towards the East Coast!..for that next chapter with many many more chapters to be realized and lived!..
Now in their forthcoming surroundings ..what awaits them ?.. a SIMPLY GORGEOUS!.. UNBELIEVABLE!.. house and neighborhood that is just ..😲🤯🤯..and probably more importantly... a HUGE brood!.. of family and I mean ..BIG!..😳... that are already living in state or very close by.. to make the adjustment of such a move more palatable and easier to do ..that’s for sure!..
...so FANGdom as they will be beginning this journey very soon!.. let’s ALL wish them .. SAFE TRAVELS!.. to be CAREFUL!.. in these CRAZY UNCERTAIN!.. times that we are ALL experiencing daily throughout our country.. much HAPPINESS! ..and MOST of ALL!.. that EVERYONE ...STAYS HEALTHY!..
And on a personal note from me a .. HEARTY !.. MAZEL TOV!.. and a ‘KENAHORA’....which is Yiddish and means ‘without the evil eye 👁’.. a Jewish ‘knock on wood!’..The origin of the phrase is the superstition that talking about one’s good fortune attracts the attention of the evil eye, which loves to mess things up...🤨.. 🤘🏻😁🤘🏻..
‘HAPPY TRAILS’.. to you ALL!.. my good friends.. and continue to ..’ROCK ON !..and ROCK HARD’.. with ALL your future endeavors!.. 😃..

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