... WELL!.. L👀KIE HERE!.. FANGdom!...I just got this from Florin via mail today!... a hard copy issue of the Atlanta Journal Constitution Newspaper 📰..that had the feature/interview with Melo that I was instrumental in procuring for the band!
I contacted Melissa Ruggieri the music/entertainment columnist for AJC via DM's. I pitched her the idea for this feature as The Cristea's had just relocated to Georgia🍑 from L.A. and she just loved the idea being a old school rocker herself! I then provided her the necessary contact 411 and it was a done deal! Or as I frequently tell Florin another 'get!' for LILIAC!
I want to thank Melissa it was simply a pleasure working on this with her and the band deeply appreciated it! And a copy of this article is in the process of being nicely framed and will be proudly displayed on the memory wall of the NEW recording/production studio in the Cristea household! 😃
One of quite a few 'gets!' over the past 2 1/2 years that I have been involved with. By doing my homework online! and with perseverance and simply reaching out to the individual(s). You don't know unless you try, the worse they can say is 'no' and then you move on to the next opportunity.
Another such 'get' in my recent reportaire was a podcast interview with Jay Scott of 'The Hook Rocks' that aired on several podcast streaming platforms. Which was also a one-on-one interview with Melo. If ya happened to miss that one it aired 1-14-21!..here's the link...
.. https://open.spotify.com/episode/3p71aSWgg6Xb5bRORr0XkX?si=ihTQlLxsQcmJLuCSkICuOg&utm_source=copy-link
Sooo..some people talk! ...the good talk!.. while other(s) get IT done! and make it happen for.. LILIAC!..