...Well .. FANGdom!.. isn't this 'DEAR FATHER' sneak peak promo vid...JUST SIMPLY!..😱🤯🤯🤯.. you might have been wondering where is this? ..what is Melo walking up on?..to?...well here's the 411!.. it's the ...
Sewanee Memorial Cross that sits in a wooded area on the edge of a bluff on the campus of The University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee. Sitting on the Cumberland plateau overlooking the Franklin County valley, it was constructed in August 1922 as a memorial to all who died in "The war to end all wars." ...
...and that plague that Melo is standing in front of...says this..
'To the sons of Sewanee who answered their country's call to service in the World War 1917-1918'...

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