♦️QOH Album Review by Andrew Sklover♦️

As we approach a VERY important day in our nations history you have to evaluate things. Things that are meaningful in your daily lives that have purpose and would be missed if they weren’t there. Family well sometimes, 😉friends always! a good book! a nice drink if alcohol is favored and music!
I don’t know anyone who can’t have some type of music in their daily lives. Especially now, with these days were we are incredibly challenged in every aspect with what’s going on.
Music takes us away from what troubles us the most, physically, mentally. It gives us reprieve and hope that the next day will be better than today and the day before. It makes ya think, imagine and wonder what if and what can be about anything.
All of us have memories in our lives of a certain song,band or album that when we first heard it, it changed everything.
For rock fans it might have been VAN HALEN’s debut album Eddie what else needs to be said. Or BOSTON’s first album which simply blew your minds with their incredible distinct sound. GUNS N’ ROSES- ‘Appetite for Destruction’, LED ZEPPELIN’s jeez I can go on and on of these phenomenal albums and bands that played a major part of my youth and life as I write this.
What do all of those debut albums have in common?, they changed the rock and music landscape at the times they were unleashed on the music world! Each spawned multiple rock hit single(s) that were immediately ready for rock radio station airplay. And back in the day, pre-internet once you heard this music you wanted to know every single thing about that band and the individual artist(s) and I meant everything! Like buying EVERY single rock magazine that came out that even had a picture or article about them.
And as I am always looking for that next band or album that can make that same impression on me as those mentioned have.
And then BAM! here it comes that album that band that makes your head spin with everything they do and you get to witness. That band for me this last year and half has been LILIAC!, a family rock band from the cozy confines of Downey,CA. Yes the birthplace of legendary rocker, Metallica’s James Hetfield. And that album is their debut ‘Queen Of Hearts’ 👸🏻❤️.
13 ORIGINAL songs! , rockers, a ballad, fast, faster!, some sooo complex musically that even EVH 😞 would have called Samuel and say ‘Hey man how did you get that sound’ on such n such song once he heard it, I GTE it!
Lyrics sooo in-depth with meaning and purpose, Diane Warren(Google her) would be VERY impressed! All the elements my rock friends are ALL! there in this one CD, vinyl, videos however you consume your music these days!
So whenever you hear that ridiculous PHRASE, rock/metal is dead! you put on your headphones 🎧, pop on QOH, crank it to 11! close your eyes 😌 and 🤣🤣 in pure NIRVANA! (yes, I know the irony of using that word!) 😁. I will end this with this song title...
‘The Future’s So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades’ 😎- Timbuk 3 (1986)
An awesome band that will only get better as they grow up. they have amazed this 65 year old hard rocker as much as Halestorm did 10 years ago. Long Live Rock! Vic in the Berkshires.
Excellent review!